Understanding Taoist Funeral Customs: Symbolism and Practices

Taoism is a religion that originated in China and is based on the teachings of Lao Tzu. Taoist funeral rites and traditions are an important part of Chinese culture and are still practiced today. These traditions are steeped in symbolism and are meant to help the deceased transition to the afterlife. In this article, we will explore the significance of Taoist funeral rites and traditions.

Preparation of the Body

Once the body is transferred to the funeral parlour, the morticians will prepare the deceased for cremation or burial by cleaning their body with a wet towel dusted with talcum powder. The body is then dressed in white clothing, which symbolizes purity and is believed to help the deceased’s spirit transition to the afterlife. The body is then placed in a casket, which is usually made of wood and decorated with intricate carvings.

Setting Up of the Ceremonial Altar

Taoist funerals generally feature an altar with the photograph of the departed placed prominently in front of the casket. The deceased’s favourite food will also be displayed as an offering. Additionally, candles and joss sticks will be placed around the altar to allow family members and guests to offer their prayers and respect. Each item carries a symbolic meaning, and the rituals performed in a Taoist funeral are meant to ensure that the soul of the deceased has a smooth passage into the afterlife.

Taoist Funeral Customs

Since there are several denominations of the Taoist religion, the funeral traits tend to vary across the board. However, there are a few rituals that most Taoist Funerals share. The funeral ceremony starts with chanting of the Taoist scriptures, and mourners are required to grieve as loudly as possible. The coffin will be nailed shut once everybody has paid their respects, but one must look away as doing so is believed to be taboo. White and yellow papers are then affixed on the coffin before being placed outside. Once it’s time for the burial, bereaved family and guests must once again look away as the deceased’s body is lowered into the ground.

Significance of Taoist Funeral Rites and Traditions

Taoist funeral rites and traditions are steeped in symbolism and are meant to help the deceased transition to the afterlife. The rituals performed during a Taoist funeral are believed to help the deceased’s spirit navigate the afterlife and ensure a smooth passage. The use of white clothing, candles, and joss sticks is meant to purify the soul and help it transition to the afterlife. The offering of the deceased’s favourite food is meant to provide comfort and nourishment to the soul.

Taoist funeral rites and traditions are an important part of Chinese culture and are still practiced today. These traditions are steeped in symbolism and are meant to help the deceased transition to the afterlife. The use of white clothing, candles, and joss sticks is meant to purify the soul and help it transition to the afterlife. The offering of the deceased’s favourite food is meant to provide comfort and nourishment to the soul.